
Stories are the most important thing in the world. Without stories, we wouldn’t be human beings at all
Philip Pullman
Our curriculum is challenging and diverse, designed to give students the knowledge and skills necessary to be confident and articulate members of society.
Beginning in Year 7, students begin a journey through language and literature with schemes of work carefully sequenced to enable them to regularly build upon prior learning. Our studied texts have been carefully chosen to foster students’ curiosity; to help them better understand the past; to encourage them to empathise with others and to demonstrate an understanding of how literature has the power to shape lives and societies.
Providing students with the opportunity to explore a diverse range of texts and voices gives them the ability to develop their own opinions, helping them to embrace and appreciate differences between themselves and others. They are taught the skills to become confident communicators, adept at adapting their language, style and expression for a range of audiences.
Over five years, our students are given the opportunity to think, to grow and to change, ultimately developing a profound appreciation of the power of language and the pleasure of literature.
The Exam Board we study is AQA. Students will sit two exams in both English Language and English Literature.
English Language
Paper 1 – Explorations in creative reading and writing
Paper 2 – Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives
English Literature
Paper 1 – Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel
Paper 2 – Modern texts and poetry
Exam Board
Contact Details
Mr Waite
Raising Standards Leads
Mr D Nolan
Raising Standards Lead (Second)