Physical Education

In PE we offer an inclusive and diverse curriculum to inspire pupil’s curiosity of the subject where a passion for physical activity is enthusiastically promoted. We aim to create a culture which encourages teamwork, character development and an understanding of how to lead a healthy active lifestyle. Our aim is for pupils to use their confidence, understanding and experiences, developed in the PE department, to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing that results in lifelong participation in physical activity or sport.

I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed

Michael Jordan

In Key Stage 3 pupils build on and embed the physical development, skills and fundamental principles learned in key stages 1 and 2, becoming more competent, confident and expert in their techniques and learn how to apply them across different sports and physical activities. The National Curriculum is followed throughout Key Stage 3 & 4 which develops pupil’s decision making through having the opportunity to explore a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games. Pupils also develop technique, analyse performance, take part in OAA, perform dances using a range of movement patterns and have plenty of opportunities to take part in competitive sports through extracurricular teams and activities.

The carefully sequenced curriculum allows pupils to develop fundamental skills which can be transferred to a range of different sports and activities. These key concepts are essential building blocks to allow pupils to develop more complex skills, tactics and strategies. The richness of experiences and learning further allows pupils to develop their independence, personal, social and organsiational skills.

To enhance our curriculum and to embed skills and knowledge developed in lessons, the PE department offers a vast range of sports and activities through extracurricular clubs. Training and fixtures are promoted to all pupils and include, football, rugby, netball, basketball, trampoline, fitness, cricket, athletics, handball, badminton, table tennis, rounders, and dance. Furthermore, to extend pupils’ curiosity for the subject and to enhance their experience of the wider world the PE department offers a range of educational visits and enhancement trips.

The Exam Board we study is OCR

Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies

R184 – Contemporary Issues in Sport (examination) – 40%

Topic Area 1: Issues which affect participation in sport.

Topic Area 2: The role of sport in promoting values.

Topic Area 3: The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country.

Topic Area 4: The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport.

Topic Area 5: The use of technology in sport.


R185  – Performance and leadership in sports activities – 40%

 Topic Area 1: Key components of performance.

 Topic Area 2: Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity.

 Topic Area 3: Organising and planning a sports activity session.

 Topic Area 4: Leading a sports activity session.

Physical Education Curriculum Map

Exam Board


Contact Details

Mr Coxon

Raising Standards Leads