Performing Arts

Arts education is essential for building innovative thinkers who will be our nation’s leaders of tomorrow
Michelle Obama
Our curriculum will take students on a journey through history and around the world through the performing arts, and to explore the value and purpose of music and drama in a variety of genres and contexts. The curriculum will lead students to delve deeply into the fundamental skills in both disciplines, through holistic activities which build skills in creating, performing and analysing, whilst opening their eyes to the world of work through the performing arts industry.
This curriculum aims to encourage students to be passionate and find a love for performance and creativity, and crucially increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement, as well essential life skills, including communication, confidence, cooperation, resilience, collaboration, independence, problem solving, and literacy.
GCSE Drama
The Exam Board we study is AQA.
Component 1 “Understanding Drama”
This is a written assessment worth 40% of the overall course. This exam takes place in May of year 11, and includes basic drama knowledge, as well as extended writing demonstrating a thorough understanding of a set play. Finally, the exam involves a reflection on the experience of seeing live theatre.
Component 2 “Devising Drama”
This component is worth 40% and is split into 2 halves.
Firstly, students work in collaboration with others to create their own piece of drama inspired by a stimulus (worth 20 marks). Then, they will need to create a log book describing their creative process and reviewing the overall work that they have created. (worth 80 marks)
Component 3 “Texts in Practice”
This component is worth 20% of the overall GCSE and involves students performing 2 extracts from one play. For this component, students can work as either a performer or a designer.
Plays will be decided by the teacher for specific groups of students – the course is very bespoke to suit the needs of everyone.
GCSE Music
The Exam Board we study is OCR
Integrated Portfolio
This is worth 30% of the overall GCSE. Students will prepare a performance on their chosen instrument of any music. This will be decided in collaboration between student and teacher to ensure the music selection is of an appropriate standard for GCSE. Students will also compose a free composition, demonstrating their own personal interests in music.
Practical Component
Also worth 30% of the overall GCSE, students will prepare an ensemble performance on their chosen instrument playing music of their choice with other musicians. They will also compose a piece of music to match a set brief, sent by OCR.
Listening and Appraising
Worth 40% of the GCSE, this component leads to a listening exam which takes place in June of year 11. Throughout the course, students will learn a huge range of musical genres with a general focus on “Concerto through time” and exploring Western Classical Tradition. “Film Music”, looking at music for screen; games, TV themes, movie music and effects. “Conventions of Pop Music”, exploring how popular music has evolved over time. And finally “Rhythms of the World”, learning a range of different styles of music from different countries.
Exam Board
Contact Details
Mrs Clarke
Raising Standards Leads