
A people without a knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots
Marcus Garvey
Our curriculum is designed to give students the opportunity to study topics from a broad period of History (from the middle ages to the 20th century) set within a clear chronological framework. At Key Stage 3 we teach them to understand how British politics, foreign policy, society and economy has affected, and been affected by, world events. We also give students the opportunity to diversify their studies to consider, for example, the importance of the Silk Roads trade routes and the medieval Islamic states, and the struggle for Civil Rights in America. Within our lessons we encourage students to engage with academic debate by exposing them to a range of current historical scholarship. In order to embed students retrieval skills, schema and spaced practice in Year 9, we revisit time periods previously studied in y7 and 8 to consider different aspects, themes and significance, and so extend understanding as a foundation for KS4.
At KS4 our curriculum provides an overview, breadth and depth of topics across time and place from Elizabethan British History to 20th century American History, the impact of the Cold War in Asia and the thematic study of Britain; health and the people from the middle ages to the present day. GCSE History prepares students for the future, equipping them with skills and knowledge that will increase their employability and foster a lifelong love of learning. We provide a wealth of opportunities for students to grapple with difficult and challenging concepts; historical, analytical and conceptual. History at KS4 builds on the contextual understanding students gain from their studies in the KS3 years, and the skills they developed.
The Exam Board we study is AQA.
Students sit two exam papers at the end of year 11.
Paper 1
USA 1920-73, Conflict in Asia 1950-75
Paper 2
Britain; health and the people 1000-present day, Elizabethan England
Exam Board
Contact Details
Mrs Beechener
Raising Standards Leads