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Middlewich High School

Excellence in Learning – Achievement for All



Middlewich High School is proud to offer a diverse and varied programme of extra-curricular activities. School and learning opportunities do not stop at 3.10pm and we encourage all our students to engage with our enrichment activities. Some of these activities will enable students to extend their curriculum learning, whilst other clubs and activities will enable students to experience things for the first time, which always creates excitement and intrigue. 

We strongly encourage students to participate in all that school has to offer, so that they can further develop their skillset and understanding of their place in the modern world. Enrichment activities provide so many opportunities for students to access this Education with Character and that is why we offer such a comprehensive programme, with clubs running after school and at  lunch times.

This is the programme for the Summer Term 2024. On top of these clubs and activities, many curriculum areas have educational visits planned and we also participate in a wide range of sporting fixtures with and against other Cheshire West and East schools

If your child has any interests in activities beyond those displayed below, please encourage them to speak to their form tutors or ACL's to put their ideas across, as we are always keen to hear from Student Voice.

Colour Run 2024

We will be holding our 2024 Colour Run on 12/6/24 during period 5. Volunteers can pay a minimum £1 donation to our World Challenge fund to take part. Participants should wear their PE kit to school on Wednesday and bring an old t-shirt to wear over this for the colour run. Details of the coloured powder are provided below.

Alton Towers Reward Trip 2024

We will be taking approximately 300 students to Alton Towers theme park on 17th July as a reward for excellent attendance and attitudes to learning. Please see the flyer below.