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High Attaining Students



  • to raise achievement for our high attaining and gifted & talented students
  • to raise achievement in high attaining disadvantaged students


  • to develop skills and qualities to support success including independent learning, research, presentation and communication skills
  • to extend and challenge knowledge and understanding across a range of subject areas
  • to achieve appropriate GCSE outcomes
  • to progress to further and higher education



At Middlewich High School, every Department uses the following whole school strategies to support the progress of all our students:

  • Quality First Teaching
  • High expectations for all (including positive Attitude To Learning)
  • High challenge for all (differentiation used to support as appropriate)
  • Use of Personalised Learning Checklists, Learning Maps and targeted intervention
  • Seating plans with clear reasoning
  • Use of impactful feedback with positive response from students
  • Effective use of other adults in the classroom
  • Support the individual needs of every student
  • Use of progress data to inform planning of high quality lessons



In addition departments offer subject specific support including:

  • Art - department open at lunch and after school for independent enquiry and experimentation with media & techniques
  • English – ‘Aim High’ literature-based lectures weekly after school
  • Geography – use of ‘stretch and challenge’ questions to develop extended thinking
  • ICT – Robotics Club to apply learning practically
  • Maths - UKMT maths challenges and GCSE Further Maths offer
  • PE - higher expectations of performance related to national standards
  • Business Studies - Wider reading- Financial Times app and newspaper within classroom
  • Science – regular visits to Sir John Deane’s College and a residential GCSE revision weekend for Year 11

At Middlewich High School, all students are expected to aim high and set themselves ambitious targets. At MHS we use aspirational target setting to raise attainment and support student progress.

GCSE target grades in each subject are identified for every student, using Fischer Family Trust Aspire triangulated with student progress since Key Stage 2.  FFT calculates estimates from the value-added score of pupils in previous GCSE results. We currently use FFT20 as benchmarks for all students in all subjects.

All students study a curriculum which is designed to support their rapid progress in a range of qualifications. Students study GCSEs in the core subjects of English Language and Literature, Maths and Science. Triple Science is based on successful certification in separate Biology, Physics and Chemistry GCSEs and is supported by regular visits to Sir John Deane’s College, alongside our STEM enrichment curriculum. In addition, students study a range of ‘optional’ GCSE subjects from the science, ICT, humanities, modern foreign language and creative arts pathways.



Strong links exist with further and higher education. Our partners include Sir John Deane’s College, Cheshire College South & West and Reaseheath College. University of Chester and Manchester Metropolitan University are just two of the higher education establishments who provide invaluable information throughout the year about the enhanced opportunities associated with higher education.

Middlewich High School has well-established links working with our primary Partners through our ‘Aspire club’ for high attaining primary students.  Our Year 5 and 6 students visit us at MHS each week to experience the enjoyment and challenge of Aspire Club. Students are taught a range of subjects which focus on the core skills required to achieve at high school.

Our STEM and Careers Enrichment programmes are developed to ensure all students have the opportunity to consider a range of possible career options and meet or visit local employers such as Barclays Bank. We work with Higher Horizons to ensure that all our students have raised aspirations for their futures.