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Our I-Value Careers Programme

At MHS our studies learn about:

Year 7:

Developing skills and aspirations

Careers, teamwork, enterprise skills and raising aspirations

Financial decision making

Earning, saving, borrowing, budgeting and making financial choices

Year 8:


Community and careers

Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, different types and patterns of work

Digital literacy

Digital literacy and media reliability

Year 9

Setting goals

Learning strengths, career pathways and goal setting as part of the GCSE pathways process

Employability skills

Employability and online presence

Year 10

Work experience

Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work

(Summer 2023 delivery)

Year 11

Next steps

Application processes, and skills for further education, employment, and career progression


How can employers help?

We do have a number of events, integrated into our careers programme, that can offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their families, these are shown below:




Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 7

Hopes and dreams assembly.



I-Value lessons:

Guess my career 14 Nov 22







Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


I-Value lessons:

Financial decision making unit.


Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


Year 8

Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


I-Value lessons:

Guess my career 14 Nov 22



I-Value lessons:

STEM engineering lessons


Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.



Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


I-Value lessons: Developing skills and aspirations unit, this includes exploring LMI and key industries in the UK.

Year 9

September year 9 Induction: Hopes and dreams assembly.


I-Value Careers fair



Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.




KS3 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where


Options evening (2022) for parents/guardians/students



Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


KS3 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where appropriate


Year 9 Pathway interviews


I-Value lessons: Setting goals (career options)



Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


I-Value lessons: Employability skills and online presence

Year 10


I-Value Careers fair




KS4 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where appropriate.


I-Value lessons:

Financial decision making




Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.





I-Value lessons:

Financial decision making continued


I-Value lessons:

National apprenticeship week

KS4 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where appropriate


Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


KS4 curriculum areas signposts

I-Value day to include: Visit to  colleges, technical colleges and sixth form     providers.


KS4 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where appropriate.


Work experience


Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


Year 11

I-Value Careers fair



I-Value lessons:

Next steps, to include CV building and mock interviews preparation. 


Mock interviews- Guests invited from a variety of work place backgrounds to interview students and give constructive feedback.


I-Value and careers assemblies to include: ‘College applications workshops’. Post-16 providers are invited in to deliver ‘Next – steps’ assemblies to deliver information on apprenticeships, Traineeships, A-levels and  T-levels.


Meetings with Careers advisor


KS4 curriculum area pathways. Curriculum leaders to invite guest speakers into lessons/workshops where appropriate


Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.



Character Education: Form time activities and assemblies, to incorporate LORIC, Careers, STEM and personalised character traits external speakers are invited into year group assemblies where appropriate.


Meetings with Careers advisor