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Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy catch up premium

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy catch up premium

Rationale for spending

Our spending allocation based on the following:

  • Primary transition meetings and discussions with primary head teachers and staff to secure progress from Key Stage 2 & 3
  • Primary transition progress data and student profiles
  • EEF research evidence
  • Literacy reading and sentence level baseline assessment


Middlewich High School received £13, 334 of this funding for 2019/2020. This was spent on:

  • Staffing to support Year 7 Nurture group & Year 8 Nurture Group
  • Catch up Numeracy programme and interventions 
  • Catch Up Literacy interventions
  • Additional books and resources to support literacy and numeracy
  • Staff CPD (dyslexia/dyscalculia specialist)


  • Use KS2 data to identify students below 100 for reading or maths.
  • Students are placed into appropriate sets with smaller group sizes for those requiring most support.
  • Lowest attaining groups in Y7 and Y8 access the same curriculum but with targeted literacy & numeracy support.
  • Targeted numeracy and literacy intervention (reviewed by Lead in Maths and Literacy).



English and Maths catch up at Middlewich High School 2019 2020


  • To address gaps in KS2 knowledge and begin to use KS3 skills successfully.
  • To accelerate and maximise progress and minimise performance gaps for individuals.
  • Empower students with the literacy and numeracy skills and fluency required to fully access the secondary curriculum.
  • Prevent any gaps students have in their basic literacy strategies from becoming barriers to their learning.


Who do we target

  • Students who did not meet expected standard at KS2 for Reading or Maths (100 score)
  • Those who are at a significant risk of not meeting expectations of progress.
  • Students who did not achieve expected age in reading age tests
  • Those who are at a significant risk of not meeting expectations of progress.
  • Students who have not sat KS2 assessments due to ability


What we do in English

  • High quality, inclusive teaching, clearly targeted on all pupils’ needs and prior learning.
  • Appropriate schemes of work and assessments that compliment learning at KS2 and provides a solid foundation for a breadth of skills and depth of knowledge
  • Specialist staff on all sets.
  • A Nurture group specialist dedicated to ‘Catch up’ with additional lessons
  • Mixed ability setting for students who are above the Nurture attainment, to expose them to higher attainment peer thinking and more developed vocabulary and oracy.
  • Bedrock vocabulary app to improve vocabulary in students above the Nurture attainment level.
  • Reading intervention for those identified with low reading ages.


How do we do it

  • Students complete a baseline reading and spelling age test on entry.
  • Introduced staff to 8 reading strategies to use in class to make texts more accessible for students
  • Trained 2 inclusion staff to deliver the 8 strategies
  • Interventions that teach targeted students the 8 reading strategies to implement.
  • Assess the targeted students once they have completed their training in the strategies


Evaluation of Impact 2019/20

  • All staff received training through inset on the importance of vocabulary instruction
  • All staff were introduced to 8 reading strategies during morning briefings over a term
  • Inclusion staff were trained and began interventions using the new resources and reading strategies
  • Targeted groups of low attaining readers followed a programme of support and the first wave of students (9 students) were able to demonstrate their use of the reading strategies in their final assessment (prior to lockdown)
  • Bedrock vocabulary was used throughout lockdown, and monitored, to ensure student usage
  • Where targeted students were not engaged, contact was made home and the numbers of students engaging in home learning increased.
  • For students who did not have IT access, booklets of literacy based skills were provided initially to ensure frequent practice of essential skills, before IT access was established.
  • During lockdown, the school invested in STAR reading to baseline students against current national cohorts on return (the data prior and data after lockdown don’t correlate)

What we do in maths

  • High quality, inclusive teaching, clearly targeted on all pupils’ needs and prior learning.
  •  Appropriate ambitious Schemes of work and assessments that compliment learning at KS2 and provides a solid foundation for GCSE study
  •  Specialist staff on all sets and smaller group sizes for students with a lower prior attainment.
  • Dedicated catch up work books for completion during intervention
  • Additional maths lessons for nurture cohort
  • One to one personalised sessions 30 mins per week for the lowest prior attainers delivered by trained maths specialist catch up leads
  •  Weekly small group personalised sessions for the lowest prior attainers delivered by trained specialist catch up/SEND leads
  •  Use of manipulatives when appropriate to support and secure learning      

How do we do it

  •   Students complete a baseline test on entry and areas that are not secure identified (gap analysis).
  •  Analysis of KS2 ASP data (in October) to identify strands of numeracy that need addressing (proportionate to marks) and triangulate this against internal baseline data 
  • Basic numeracy screening assessment for lowest prior attainers and standardised maths age outcome and working memory assessment
  • Personalised programme of study and PLC created for student’s intervention’ with a focus on numeracy strands requiring improvement

Evaluation of Impact 2019/20

  • All staff received training during the Autumn term on core cross curricular n numeracy skills tro strengthen consistency in modelling methodologies
  • Maths staff received CPD on mixed ability teaching and mastery curriculum
  • 15 students received  phase 1 catch up intervention with maths specialist TA
  • 100% first phase of students identified made progress during the first half term using the catch up numeracy programme
  • Hegarty maths was used throughout lock down and monitored to track usage. Where targeted students were not engaging contact was made home and engagement improved.
  • Students made gains in their mathematical confidence (quantitative data to support)
  • For students who did not have IT access, numeracy booklets were provided initially to ensure frequent practice of essential skills, before IT access was established.