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MHS Resource Provision

Resource Provision at Middlewich High School

Middlewich High School has an established Resource Provision (RP) for students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Hearing Impairments.  We are passionate about the care, support and intervention provided, aiming to create a supportive teaching and learning environment which is respectful to the differences in the ways that students with complex needs learn and experience their educational setting.

The Resource Provision at Middlewich High School takes a whole-school approach to enhancing and embedding inclusive practice to improve outcomes for students.  Each student has an individually tailored package of support and intervention which is written in collaboration with students, families, teachers and a comprehensive range of external professionals.

The RP is monitored and developed using the Autism Education Trust standards for good practice and The National Deaf Children's Society guidelines for Deaf Friendly Teaching.

Resource Provision Placements

We are currently resourced to provide placements for:

  • 12 students with ASC
  • 8 students with Hearing Impairment

All students with a Resource Provision placement have an EHCP, with their primary need being stated as ASC or moderate hearing loss.

Placements are applied for directly through the Local Authority and are considered individually following the processes set out within the SEN Code of Practice (2015).

Resource Provision staff

Miss Collins - Lead Teacher

Learning Practitioners

Miss Jones

Mrs Roberts

Mrs Dixon

Mrs Mahon

Miss Eyres

Mrs Dixon (Forest School)

Mrs Hough

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

Mrs Winkle

Support within the classroom

Middlewich High School takes pride in creating an inclusive, enabling classroom environment which is saturated with high quality teaching.  RP Students access the mainstream Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum alongside their peers with the support of Learning Practitioners with specialist skills.  Strategies used to support students within the classroom include:

  • Task managers
  • Word-mapping
  • Differentiation of language
  • Small group intervention
  • Access to sensory breaks in a low stimulus environment (use of sensory room in optional)

Targeted intervention support

Students have access to a comprehensive package of intervention and resources to support their access to the school environment and the curriculum.  Bespoke packages of intervention are written in accordance with the details of each individual's Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  Interventions currently available include:

  • Forest School activities
  • Precision Teaching
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Sensory processing support
  • Differentiated i-value (RSE) curriculum
  • Speech and language therapy programmes
  • Pre-teaching and over-learning of the curriculum
  • Preparing for Adulthood support - transition planning for Key Stage 4 students

All interventions are taught on a 1:1 or small group basis.

Transition planning and support

During the transition phase key members of staff will get to know a student and their family in order to make the plans necessary for a positive experience of school life.  It’s always useful for us to know:

  • Experiences of primary school/previous setting
  • How a student and their family have been supported during primary years or in previous settings

Alongside the Lead Teacher, the RP has a Learning Practitioner with responsibility for transition arrangements.  Transition plans are tailor made to the needs of individual students and may include:

  • Learning Practitioner visits to Primary schools to get to know students and to familiarise themselves with current interventions and levels of support that have been successful in providing effective support
  • Attendance at year 5 and year 6 reviews at the request of parents and current providers
  • Individual visits to Middlewich High School to experience life as an MHS student
  • Group taster sessions to practice high school skills
  • Further visits throughout the summer term if required

The aim of the transition plan is to gather information to create a bespoke package of support to facilitate a secure and effective entry to high school life.

At Middlewich High School high quality teaching and inclusive teaching are not mutually exclusive.  We aim to provide an accessible learning environment which is structured, calm and consistent, with all students making optimum personal and academic progress alongside their peers.