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Our vision is that our curriculum enables our students to develop as independent lifelong learners and to gain an appreciation of the world that we live in through the study of texts, both fiction and non-fiction. Through studying a range of texts students gain insight and knowledge relating to different time periods, different cultures and different life experiences. Reading develops empathy within students, whilst at the same time widening their perspective. Alongside the study of texts, students develop their writing. The curriculum that students follow allows them to develop their understanding of different types of writing, as well as how to cater their writing to different text types and audiences. Our aim is to cultivate students who enjoy writing at length with confidence.

The curriculum is designed to mirror the chronology of the history curriculum and has strong links with the RE curriculum to enable a well-developed schemata so that every student can achieve well. Schemes of work are sequenced across all years within the curriculum to allow students to make connections between what they are learning and have already learnt. We are aiming to instil a love of reading for pleasure and our curriculum allows for whole novels to be taught alongside schemes of work.

English lessons are sequenced in a way to provide a ‘building block’ approach. We break down new information and knowledge to maximise student recall and to create confidence within students when they are faced with new material. Throughout our schemes of work we use live modelling so that students can see first-hand how to approach reading and writing tasks, maximising their ability to do this independently.

Year 7 and 8 students are privileged enough to have access to Bedrock Vocabulary, an online vocabulary learning platform. Having a widened vocabulary propels students so much further in their education and allows them to access new material, across all subjects, more easily.

GCSE English

At Key Stage 4, students follow the AQA English Language and English Literature syllabuses. Within English Literature students explore a range of texts from different eras and cultures, including poetry, plays and novels. Through these texts students develop their knowledge of why texts are written and the moral purpose behind these, drawing on historical links and cultural perspectives. They deepen their understanding of methods that writers use which they have already began to develop at KS3. Knowledge gained at KS3 allows students to draw connections between texts. English Language provides students with the opportunity to study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. As with English Literature, students are encouraged to become critical thinkers, questioning why texts are written and how they cater to their chosen audiences. Writing sits alongside the reading, with students expanding on knowledge of this from KS3. Students are encouraged to refine their writing and to craft this in a way that caters to the text type, audience and purpose.



Our intention is to provide lectures to all students in an after school environment to create a more critical approach to English and to raise students’ academic ability.


Learning maps – At MHS we use learning maps to support retrieval and reinforcement of knowledge. We use these in class and as homework, you may find it useful to see what is coming up through the year for your child, in their year group. We are continuing to develop these and update them through the year so you may notice some subjects have uploaded the first term, future work will be added at the appropriate time.