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Curriculum Vision

The Middlewich High School Curriculum Journey 

Curriculum Statement

Middlewich High School’s curriculum demonstrates our ambition for ‘Excellence in Learning – Achievement for All’ and is designed to meet the needs and aspirations of our students, parents/carers, the local community and the changing world. It is centred on high expectations and achieving excellence in outcomes but also, importantly, in broadening horizons, understanding the world we live in, challenging our students to have courage and be the leaders of the future. We believe that blending an academic curriculum with wider opportunities for enrichment and personal development provides our students with the opportunity to access the future of their choice. Our desire for excellence and our determination to ensure that all our students achieve excellence means we offer a fully inclusive, broad and well -balanced curriculum, supporting students from entry to the point they leave school in year 11, to pursue Higher and Further Education and become effective employees and responsible global citizens.   

The MHS curriculum endeavours to develop students’  

  • Comprehension and command of the best that has been said, thought and done, ensuring students are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
  • Character, further engendering an understanding, awareness and appreciation of other communities and cultures and that they are prepared to be positive and active citizens as part of these.
  • Kindness and humanity. An integral part of our ethos is the way we respect and care for each other and our community. We strongly believe that these characteristics are an essential part of any individual’s development. Our emotional health focus is centred around developing these characteristics fully in our young people.
  • Creativity and imagination, stimulating an appreciation of human creativity and achievement, enabling them to create high-quality work for authentic audiences.

The curriculum is designed as a 5 year learning experience from leaving key stage 2 through to preparing for key stage 5, ensuring coherence and progression across each transition.  Years 7-9 are foundation years, designed to build on learning from key stage 2 whilst securing new knowledge, skills and understanding relative to each subject, meeting National Curriculum requirements.  Students experience high levels of challenge and the opportunity to deepen thinking, understanding and develop reasoning skills to support future pathways.

At key stage 4 students follow a strong academic core of English, Maths, Science, a Humanity and a Modern Foreign Language as part of our EBacc ambition for Year 10 from September 2021, RE and PE as well as SMSC through form time, i-Value lessons and drop-down days. We offer a broad and well- balanced curriculum underpinned by an ‘EBacc for all’ ambition. This is complemented by the opportunity for students to follow their passions and opt to study two further subjects at GCSE. STEM, Creative, Performance and Academic pathways all exist within the options model. The Curriculum is enhanced through enrichment in STEM, SMSC and Emotional and Physical Health ensuring a range of qualifications and experiences that support academic performance and personal growth, meeting the needs and aspirations of all our students. This combination enables students to have as many opportunities as possible open to them when they move onto the next phase of their education and provides students with a broad range of knowledge and experiences to take with them.

Each subject’s curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to achieve a change in long term memory through cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills that are invaluable for future learning and employment. All subject areas have ambitious schemes of learning and embedded assessment for learning practice, designed to secure and build on prior knowledge and skills. Quality First Teaching is delivered through a continuous professional development cycle, that builds on a foundation structured from high quality national frameworks and the latest in educational reading and research.  This provides teachers with clear parameters to work autonomously within whilst supporting and challenging them to ensure clear, engaging, inspiring  and stimulating learning experiences.

Middlewich High School is a safe, calm, inclusive community and workplace, founded on high expectation for all and the self-belief anything is possible. Students enjoy and achieve during their time with us. They leave as well-rounded individuals, aware of the wider-world, ready to make a positive contribution to it and fully equipped to flourish within it.