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Modern Foreign Languages

Our vision is that our curriculum enables our students to become capable linguists who experience an inspiring and memorable MFL curriculum which motivates them to explore a variety of languages in the future. We teach carefully selected core vocabulary and grammatical structures, whilst embedding the sound-writing relationship to enable students to develop a secure knowledge of how languages are structured and formed.   All students study either French or Spanish in Key Stage 3, focusing on one language to allow for deeper knowledge and understanding.  Students are encouraged to follow a pathway which will broaden their horizons; deepen their cultural knowledge and understanding to open doors for them in Europe and the wider world.  Valuing our subject and its place in an academic curriculum, we promote the importance of the EBacc with almost all students continuing their language studies into KS4. We aim to deliver a thoughtfully sequenced and knowledge rich curriculum informed by cognitive science, and particularly the work of Dr Gianfranco Conti. There are frequent, planned opportunities for recall, repetition and reuse in a variety of contexts leading over time to mastery.    

In Key Stage 3, all students are taught the foundations to become successful linguists.  Key vocabulary, structures and tenses are delivered which students learn to apply in a number of different contexts, thus promoting technical accuracy and automaticity.  Students are able to apply this knowledge in Key Stage 4 and re-visit these core foundations in greater depth.   At the end of the GCSE, students will have attained a degree of fluency and increased spontaneity.