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Curriculum Intent



Explores visual and tactile communication of ideas through traditional, cultural and new media designs, developing imagination and creativity.
Combines practical skills with creative thinking to design and make products that meet human needs and considers the impact of future technologies. A practical subject where pupils use tools and equipment to prepare and cook healthy food, developing crucial life skills both for now and for the future.
Stimulates a sense of wonder about places and explains how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected.
Educates students in Business Studies, Enterprise and Marketing, Computer Science, Creative IMedia and Computing. Each of these skill areas is an essential skill required for everyday life and will continue to evolve in many yet to be discovered ways. 
Enhances communication skills for work and leisure in a global community and cultivates the appreciation and understanding of different cultures.

Physical Education

Builds confidence to take part in a range of physical activities which develop motor skills, fitness and the ability to select tactics and analyse performances.


Fires curiosity about phenomena and offers explanations through experimentation, modelling, critical thinking and evidence gathering.
Develops the vital communication skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing required for further learning and participation in society and employment.
Intrigues with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past and attempts to answers questions of the future by exploring prior events.
Instils the importance of logical thought for personal decision making and problem solving and provides the tools for science, engineering and economics.
Enables personal expression and enriches learning by unifying intellect with emotions, developing self-esteem and the confidence to perform before an audience.
Provokes challenging questions about life, beliefs, ethics and morals through the study and understanding of principal religions, teachings, cultures and traditions.


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