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Director of iValue/Careers - Mrs Claire Anderson 

To contact Mrs Claire Anderson

Careers Department

Middlewich High School

King Edward Street , Middlewich CW10 9BU

Telephone : 01606 537670

Email :



Careers at Middlewich High School (Updated October 2022)

At Middlewich High School we empower every student to have high aspirations.   We believe that if a student has a clear goal to work towards, this can have a positive impact on their attainment, motivation, attitude, and engagement in school.    Our motto is “Excellence in Learning - Achievement for all”, therefore, we promote a broad and ambitious range of careers to suit every student’s individual needs.  We strive to meet all 8 of the Gatsby benchmarks that promote effective careers delivery in schools: 

1. To provide a stable careers programme
2. Learn from career and labour market information
3. Address the needs of each pupil
4. Linking the student’s curriculum learning to careers
5. Providing encounters with employers and employees
6. Providing experiences of the workplace
7. Providing encounters with further and higher education providers (including Apprenticeship providers)
8. Ensuring personal guidance is available and offered to all students

The firm basis of our career’s education is through our I-Value curriculum that encompasses PSHE, RSE, Citizenship and Careers Education.   Our value-led curriculum allows students to explore key skills required in the world of work, such as: resilience, initiative, and ambition amongst others. Through these lessons, they are given the opportunity to learn about topics ranging from employability skills, equality and diversity to writing a CV. MHS Careers delivery includes: 

  • One I-Value lesson per week (specific units are dedicated to careers education)
  • Regular business input and support from our local Skills and Growth Company, The Mid-Cheshire Pledge Organisation and our designated Enterprise Advisor
  • ‘Personal development’ sessions delivered during tutor times 
  • Careers assemblies and visiting speakers 
  • Curriculum links and delivery via subject lessons
  • Mock interview opportunities 
  • Access to independent careers information, advice and guidance provided by a level 6 qualified careers advisor
  • University, college and apprenticeship event visits 
  • Promotion of virtual work experience or on-line learning
  • Virtual careers fairs and events e.g. ‘Learn Live’ channel
  • Work experience in year 10
  • I-Value /Careers enrichment days or afternoons (normal student timetable is collapsed)
  • Enterprise activities (Year 9) 
  • STEM clubs and STEM activities 
  • Our very own MHS Careers Fair 

Our comprehensive work alongside organisations such as The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge and Higher Horizons ensures that we are constantly revising what we already offer our students. The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge allows us to have real-life connections to the world of work and Higher Horizons exposes students to the value and worth of further education through regular trips to universities in order to sample a range of degrees.

We have strong links with our local colleges, universities and employers; you can see a comprehensive list of our partnerships on this page. As part of our whole school approach to careers, we run our annual MHS Careers Fair, which engages our students with organisations from a range of career pathways and volunteer groups. 

All MHS students have access to the START, an online careers guidance platform, designed to connect our students with their future career potential.  The website uses the most comprehensive source of information and local labour market information, to give a personalised career planning experience. START enables our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options as well as developing their employability skills.  Families are encouraged to support their child with this by using the platform at home- carers can also create their own profile! 



Careers Education in Subject Areas