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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages Awards & Qualifications

If you are keen to develop your foreign language and leadership skills then the MFL Pathway M will provide you with the opportunity to gain ALL of the following additional awards, or a selection, to suit your individual needs and aspirations.

  • The Sports Leader UK Foreign Language Leader Award
  • AQA  Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education (FCSE) in French or Spanish
  • NVQ Full Certificate (or individual skill certificates ie. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) in Spanish and/or French
  • This certificate could also be offered in Mandarin during our Monday after-school classes.  

The Sports Leader UK Foreign Language Leader Award

The Sports Leader UK Foreign Language Leader Award is ideal for students who wish to further develop their foreign language and leadership skills.  It is fun and practical with no entrance qualifications and no examinations to sit. The award involves planning and assisting in simple language activities for younger language learners in clubs or primary schools. 

Course Benefits

The scheme has shown many benefits, such as an increase in confidence and responsibility, development of leadership skills, a better understanding of how people learn and further improvement in personal attainment in subjects led.

Description of the course and expectations

Unit 1   Planning, preparing and assisting in a simple language activity

Unit 2   Communicating and motivating participants in a simple language activity

Unit 3   Cultural understanding of the chosen country’s language

Unit 4   Compendium of simple games and activities for the Language Leader to use with younger students

Unit 5   Organising and running a language festival for younger pupils

Unit 6   Demonstration of leadership skills in languages


Sports Leaders UK Foreign Language Leader Award


No final examination - Portfolio of evidence & experience

Further information

If you would like more information then visit or speak with

Miss Bolton, Rm15 to talk about all the language options available to you under Pathway M.

  1. AQA Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education (FSCE) in French /Spanish

The FCSE Certificate bridges the gap between Entry Level Certificate and GCSE for French and Spanish.

Course Benefits

  • It’s versatile, flexible and manageable with resit opportunities for all assignments over one or two years.
  • The same course is also delivered in sixth forms and further education.

Description of the course and expectations.

Candidates should submit evidence from 3 units, each unit to be selected from a different theme:

Theme 1 My World

Unit 1 – Relationships, Family and Friends

Externally-Set Assignments :  50%  Listening and Reading

Internally-Set Assignments:  50% Speaking and Writing

Unit 2 – Education and Future Plans

Theme 2 Holidays and Leisure

Unit 3 – Holidays and Travel

Unit 4 – Leisure

Theme 3 Lifestyle

Unit 5 – Healthy Lifestyle

Unit 6 – Food and Drink

Theme 4 My Community

Unit 7 – Local Area and Environment

Unit 8 – Celebrations


AQA FCSE French:     Pass, Merit and Distinction

AQA FCSE Spanish:     Pass, Merit and Distinction


12 unit assignments conducted in class working from 3 different units


3 x Listening

3 x Reading

3 x Writing

1 x Recorded Speaking


Further information

If you would like more information then visit or and speak with Miss Bolton, Rm15 to talk about all the Language options available to you under Pathway M.

  1. NVQ  Level 1 Certificate in French /Spanish

You may choose to complete the Full NVQ Certificate in all 4 language skills; listening, speaking reading and writing.  Current Year 10 have completed all listening and speaking skills and may continue their studies to complete the full certificate focusing on the speaking and writing skills.  The NVQ in French and Spanish bridges the gap between Entry Level Certificate and GCSE for French and Spanish and is a recognised qualification in business and industry.

Course Benefits

  • It’s versatile, flexible and manageable with resit opportunities for all assignments The same course is also delivered in sixth forms and further education.

Remaining Assessment Tasks (6 unit assignments conducted in class)


3 x Speaking

3 x Writing


Further information

If you would like more information then visit

and speak with Miss Bolton, Rm15 to talk about all the Language options available to you under Pathway M.