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Duke of Edinburgh Award

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze/Silver Award

Course content

By doing your Duke of Edinburgh, you're in for an amazing adventure and masses of fun as you take part in a range of activities.  You will develop skills that will help you to prepare for leaving school education and achieve an Award that's recognised by universities and employers alike.

You can do DofE programmes at three levels:

  • Bronze (aged 14+)
  • Silver (aged 15+)
  • Gold (aged 16+)

In Pathway M we can offer Bronze and Silver award

What the award involves:

You achieve your Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections (five if you're going for Gold):

  • Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community.
  • Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
  • Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
  • Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.

How you’ll complete the award

During Pathway M you can expect to have a variety of sessions.  Some lessons will be classroom based, planning for your skills, physical and volunteering sections.  There will also be some practical sessions covering pre-expedition training such as navigation, nutrition, first aid and conservation.  Some weeks, we will go off site on walks in the local area to put into practice some of the skills you have learnt in lessons.  During the course you should complete two sections of the Award within the allocated Pathway M hours– most likely Skill and Physical.  You will be expected to complete the Volunteering section outside of school hours.  The expeditions may take place at weekends. Volunteering, Physical and Skills must be carried out for a minimum of one hour per week for the periods set out below.  For example at Bronze level, if you choose to learn a language for your skill, even if the class is 2 hours long each week, you must attend the lessons for the minimum of 3 months (or 6 months, if that is your chosen longer sections).



You will be awarded a Duke of Edinburgh certificate at one of two levels (Bronze or Silver) depending on the course you follow.  The award is highly valued by universities and employers.  In a survey conducted by the United Learning Trust, the DofE Award was ranked number one, above even work experience. 


Whilst you are completing your sections you will gather a range of evidence such as photos, videos, examples of work done, results of activities and diaries of what you have done.  You are also required to keep attendance logs when you carry out your Physical, Skill and Volunteering sections and submit written report from your activity supervisor.  For the expedition section, you will be assessed on your ability to navigate, work as a team and camp craft amongst other things.  There are a total of 20 conditions in which you will have to demonstrate your capability. 

You will register on eDofE which is where you will record all of your progress and evidence. 

There will be some financial contributions required for the completion of Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Further information

If you would like more information speak with Miss Loffstadt.