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Health & Social Care

Health & Social Care

Pathway Subject

 The course consists of two units:

Unit 1: Understanding Personal Development & Relationships

This unit covers four topics: Human growth & development, Factors affecting human growth & development, Effects of relationships on personal growth & development and the effects of life events on personal development

Unit 2: Exploring Health, Social Care & Early Years Provision

This unit covers five topics:

  • The range of care needs of major client group.
  • How health care, social care & early years services are accessed and the barriers to access. 
  • How health, social care and early years services are provided.
  • Workers in health, social care and early years and Care values which underpin service provider interaction.

Assessment information

Unit 1:  This is assessed by an externally set and marked examination, which consists of a 15 minute multiple choice paper, followed by a one hour, short answer paper.  This is worth 40% or the final grade.

Unit 2:  The task is a written report based on an investigation into the needs of a service user and how this person’s needs are met by the service provider and care practitioners. This task will be completed throughout Year 11. Unit 2 counts for 60% of the final grade.

How will studying Health & Social Care help me in the future?

The world of health, social care & early years is changing rapidly. The course is ideal for students who have an interest in and ultimately want to work with people. This course gives an opportunity to gain knowledge & develop the skills required by anybody who is intending to pursue a career working with children or adults for example as a personal trainer, nurse or even a teacher.


Head of Department: Mrs E Belt