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Pathway Subject

 GCSE Catering is a very Practical subject.  The course is designed to extend and apply student’s skills and knowledge of food and the catering industry in a vocational context. Within the course students will develop  knowledge of the catering industry, jobs and employment opportunities, Health, hygiene and safety, Food preparation cooking and presentation. Nutrition and menu planning, costing and portion control, communication and record keeping.

Students will prepare, cook and serve a wide range of different foods.  They will be involved in preparing and serving foods at various school events.

Assessment information

Two Controlled written and practical tasks:

  • Task 1 (Year 10) 20% Task 2 (year 11) 40 %
  • Examination : one un-tiered written paper  (40%)

How will studying Catering help me in the future?

There are wide and varied opportunities for further progression within the industry. General or specialised courses in many aspects of Catering and Food Production are available at all local colleges including Mid Cheshire, South Cheshire and Reasheath.

Opportunities are available for Saturday and part time employment and work based training schemes.


Head of Department: Mrs E Belt