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Core Science

Core Science

Core Subject

 Core Science consists of two separate GCSEs, General Science and Additional Science. Each gives the students a good basic knowledge of Science by studying a single unit from each of the core sciences.

Students are given the chance to gain a good understanding of human biology, organisms, evolution, the environment, chemical structures and their properties, chemical reactions and how to analyse substances. Students will also learn to ask and answer questions about the fundamental laws that govern natural phenomena.

Assessment information

In each separate Core Science GCSE there are three modules each consisting of one sixty minute exam (3 hours in total). Each module is worth 25%. Students also take a controlled assessment consisting of a practical exam worth the final 25%.

How will studying Science help me in the future?

Core Science is suitable, whether you intend further study in Science or not. It can open the doors to future careers in any aspect of Science. The course encourages students to understand theoretical concepts alongside developing practical Science skills.


Head of Department: Mr I Wilson