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Core Subject

GCSE Biology gives students the chance to gain a good understanding of human biology, organisms, evolution and the environment.

The course helps put Biology in the context of students' everyday lives with topics ranging from 'Keeping healthy' to 'Humans and their environment'.

Assessment information

There are three modules each consisting of one sixty minute exam (3 hours in total). Each module is worth 25%. Students also take a controlled assessment consisting of a practical exam worth the final 25%.

How will studying Biology help me in the future?

The GCSE is based on a series of topics related to the living world and relevant to students. It is designed to help them understand how Science can be used to explain the world in which they live and the impact humans have.

Students can see how science is used to solve problems ranging from infectious diseases to creating biofuels.

Biology is suitable, whether you intend further study in Science or not. It can open the doors to future careers in Medicine and the Life Sciences.


Head of Department: Mr I Wilson