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MHS Students Participate in The Prince’s Trust XL club with Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

MHS Students Participate in The Prince’s Trust XL club with Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

 The Prince’s Trust XL club, in conjunction with Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, has been working successfully with a group of thirteen students over the past two years at Middlewich High School.

The students have benefitted from working with highly skilled and motivational role models from the local Fire Service, and the positive impact brought by the partnership between Cheshire Fire Service and the school agreeing to deliver this pilot scheme has already been seen.

The course has incorporated both classroom learning and experiences of employment in the real world. Activities have included physical tasks, team-building, new challenges and experiences and cooperative group work. Students have developed their leadership skills and their confidence has grown immensely within the group. All of the students who took part have experienced opportunities outside of their comfort zones resulting in positive outcomes for all, including successfully achieving their sailing course qualification.

As the curriculum lead for the school, Mr Edwards, Deputy Headteacher quoted: “This course has provided our students with an invaluable opportunity. To work within the Fire Service, which is a central part of our Middlewich community, and to be encouraged to take on responsibilities has allowed our students to significantly develop their leadership qualities. Students are more aware of employability requirements and this has helped them to focus on studies in school and has raised their aspirations for their futures.”

Here’s what some of our students had to say about their experience of the Prince’s Trust XL Club:

The XL club has been a place where I have built my confidence and it has made me be more social around others, even complete strangers. We have done a lot of activities that I have enjoyed.” - Declan Cribb

“I am glad that I have joined the XL Club because it has taught me to come out of my shell and show what I can really do.” - Liam Clarke

“During my time with the XL Club, I have enjoyed a lot of what has been offered, for example, I liked it when we presented our power points to the rest of the group. This also helped me build my confidence as I felt slightly nervous beforehand, but I received positive feedback when I came to present it and now that I have done it once, I can be more confident when I come to do it again.” - Ben Jackson

Mrs D Davenport and Mrs V Perks, Student Services


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