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Middlewich High World Challenge 2015

Middlewich High World Challenge 2015

As the year draws to an end and the excitement of Christmas is beginning to take over, one group of students are still hard at work preparing for their upcoming expedition to India in July 2015. The World challenge team, of twenty-one Year 10 and 11 students, are still raising funds towards the £49,000 target that is required to send them all on their 2 week expedition to the other side of the world.

As well as their individual fundraising the team have been working together bag packing, sponsored walking and car washing.  More recently the students have also been into local primary schools including Cledford and Middlewich, presenting plans of their expedition to the whole school, giving the children an insight into life in a developing country and how we plan to support them.  As well as non–uniform days, Cledford Primary school also invited the team in to get involved with their summer fair, perfecting their cooking skills on a cake stall and their geography skills on a world atlas treasure map!

Working as a team is going to be a key factor to the success of the expedition, with students being responsible for all aspects of the trip.  Through discussion, the students will be working together  planning accommodation, travel arrangements, cooking and agreeing the project work phase of the trip amongst other things.  In preparation for this they have been carrying out various team challenges such as setting up the tents and working on their required fitness completing the dreaded bleep test!

With six months to go, there is still a lot to do!  If you have any ideas or would like to sponsor or contribute towards the team's fundraising then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

By Mr McAdam, Teacher of Science
