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Able and Talented Students Study British Authors

Able and Talented Students Study British Authors

Able and talented pupils in Year 9 have been studying British authors as part of the new curriculum changes for KS3.  There were creative presentations on classic authors chosen by the pupils themselves and the spread was somewhat comprehensive from the tome- inspiring J.R.R Tolkien to the politically poignant George Orwell and from the childhood classic Enid Blyton to the sweet memories forged by A.A Milne.

The presentations took various forms.  Some chose to turn their author’s life and work into an intricate board game whilst others performed lively and interactive presentations.  One special moment was when the class were stunned by Emily Lord’s beautiful animation of Lewis Carroll’s work, which was quickly followed up by ‘Alice in Wonderland’ fairy cakes made by Ellie Leigh!

By Mrs Grant, Head of English
