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European Day of Languages 2014

European Day of Languages 2014. Et voilà!

A very big thank you to KS4 Language Leaders and KS3 Language  taegaergAmbassadors for making this year’s European Day of Languages a highly memorable and fun event for all. 

Special thanks go to Mrs Gibson, Catering Manager and her fantastic team of cooks who created an extended European menu for the day and dressed up in a European theme too.  We all appreciated the delicious food followed by a Salsa class led by Mrs Williamson, Teaching Assistant & qualified Dance Teacher.  Keelan Darlington 10K was the star performer demonstrating a natural flair and rhythm for the dance (unlike Mr Underwood and Miss Bolton who kept colliding into each other).

 Students and staff enjoyed a continental-themed breakfast and break-time, with snacks ranging from: pains au chocolat, Belgian waffles and croissants.  Some Year 7s enjoyed the continental pastries so much they decided to taste ALL of them!

At lunch-time the choice was extensive, including: Spanish tortilla and paella, Italian pasta and pizza, Greek salad, German frankfurters and French crème brûlée. 

A special thank you to all the canteen staff who helped make the day highly memorable. Gracias, merci, danke, diolch, tak!



By Miss J Bolton