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Citizenship Day September 2014

Find out about our first Citizenship Day of the new academic year

On Tuesday 16th September, the normal school timetable was collapsed and all students in Years 7 – 11 took part in the first Citizenship Day of the new academic year.   Year 7 students enjoyed a number of sessions led by MHS staff, introducing them to life at their new school and to help them understand the new community which they are now a part of.  Activities ranged from building towers with spaghetti and marshmallows in a target setting session, to playing badminton in the sports hall to introduce them to the House System and to encourage team work.  An informative and enjoyable day was had by all, with students remarking that “It was fun and messy,” and how they “can’t wait to see what [they] are doing next.”

Year 8 took part in a hugely successful Enterprise Day organised by Mrs Mansfield and Mr Morgan.  Students worked in teams and were tasked with developing a business idea based around their own footwear business.  Tasks involved making prototypes, creating eye-catching advertising campaigns and preparing presentations as if they were entering the Dragons’ Den.  Out of all the budding entrepreneurs, a team from 8S with their business ‘Komfy Cruisers’ won the day.  Watch out Lord Sugar—they’re coming to get you! 

Year 9 students welcomed visitors from the Fire Service and the Police Force who, together with MHS staff, delivered sessions about personal safety.  Sessions included e-safety, fire safety and alcohol and drugs awareness.  The sessions were highly informative and a highlight of the day for students was being given the opportunity to wear a pair of “beer goggles!”

In Key Stage 4, Year 10 students took part in a Health Day organised by the School Nurses, and Year 11 students were involved in sessions to support them in “Preparing for the Future.” 

We welcomed visitors from the Fire and Rescue Service, South Cheshire College, Sir John Deane’s College, Chester University and Mploy who gave hugely informative talks and demonstrations, which our students found to be extremely valuable as they consider their next steps on their pathways.


By Mr M Evans