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WIN the chance to watch a Manchester United match from an executive box!

Ravenscroft House are having a raffle, with the proceeds going to the charity "Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it."


Ravenscroft House have been given a fantastic prize to raffle in order to raise money for their house charity, which is Paralympic football player Matt Dimbylow’s charity, ‘Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it.’  Last year, Matt gave a speech during the Sports Week Opening Ceremony. 

The prize is the chance for four people to experience a Manchester United football match in an executive box at Old Trafford.  The winner will be given a choice of matches in December to choose from and the draw will take place at the end of October.

Teacher of P.E Ms Robinson's form students are going to start selling raffle tickets at break and lunchtimes from Monday 13th October.

The raffle ticket prices are 50p per ticket, or £2 for a strip (5 tickets).

Staff members may also buy from Ms Robinson in the PE department. 

Good luck! 


Please contact Marketing and Events Co-ordinator Eleanor Shakeshaft with any ideas or relevant news items. Telephone: 01606 288170, or email:
