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Year 7 Citizenship Day - Introduction to the House System

Find out who won the Year 7 Citizenship Day House sports competition

During Citizenship day, which took place on Tuesday 16th September, 2014, the year 7 students all spent 1 hour participating in their first sports House competition.

They came to the sports hall as a form group and were set a number of challenges. They were taught how to flick serve in badminton, and had the opportunity to spend time with a partner learning the best ways to try and maintain a rally.

Mr Pearce and I were very impressed with the level of badminton skills displayed during the sessions.  The groups were all very attentive and were very keen to learn how they could improve.

It was really nice to see how all students have already become proud of their Houses and they were really motivated to try and win the first competition of the year.

Finally we moved on to the competition. The form groups were set a challenge of trying to maintain the longest rally by playing a game of run around. They all worked really hard and demonstrated great team work and encouraged one another to do well.

The results were very close, but the final results were:

1st – Ravenscroft

2nd – Kinderton

3rd – Newton

4th – Stanthorne

5th – Bostock

Well done to all pupils and we hope they continue to ‘Get Involved’ in all of the house competitions taking place throughout the year across the departments in school.

By Miss L Robinson, Teacher of P.E


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