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Middlewich High School Catering Service & Chartwells

UPDATED: Chartwells is dedicated to nurturing a happy, safe and healthy lifestyle contributing to a sustainable world...


Chartwells' first day was a great success! Please find below some pictures of the day.



At Chartwells, we take our responsibility of catering for today's children and young adults seriously.

We know it's not just the food on the plate that is important but a real understanding of health and nutrition too. Our simple set of commitments - Eat, Learn, Live - helps us to educate young people about how to have a happy, safe and healthy lifestyle while contributing to a sustainable world.

Our commitment to delight our customers with great tasting food that contributes to their own wellbeing.

Our commitment to enhancing the understanding, fun and experience of our customers and teams; creating the knowledge they need to lead a healthy life.

Our commitment to a safe and sustainable environment that supports the health and wellbeing of our customers, clients and the wider community.


Menu compliance

Nutritionally compliant with all government guidelines and regulations, our menus cater for the needs of all our students including special diets; as well as being culturally and ethnically diverse. The menus will be planned specifically for your school to address your objectives and the student’s requirements. We will involve our local nutritionist Clare Hedderman to create bespoke menus where required.

Variety and Choice

We want the students to own the menus at their school ensuring total uptake, increased loyalty and satisfaction. Therefore, we have created exciting, innovative and creative menus that feature the latest high street trends and food concepts. Our menus offer a range of tastes, textures, flavours and colours balancing variety, quality, consistency and value for money, with the use of seasonally fresh and locally sourced ingredients where possible.

The food is freshly prepared using high quality raw ingredients. We use national and local suppliers to ensure we have the best products available at the most competitive prices. Good catering practices such as preparation near to the meal service time and batch cooking will also be introduced to provide all pupils with the same high standard of food and choice.

Sustainable sourcing

Did you know?

Compass Chartwells was one of the first companies to undertake employee training in sustainability with the Learning and Skills Council supported Sustainability Certificate.

Our main initiatives include:

  • Using Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar as standard
  • Using organic milk for all hospitality functions
  • Providing only free range eggs
  • Recommending the use of seasonal produce when designing menus
  • Recommending higher percentages of vegetarian options than the industry average
  • Sourcing the majority of our vegetables from British suppliers
  • Sourcing only British meat
  • Banning fish products such as cod, and using sustainable options instead
  • Promoting healthier options when possible, such as light mayonnaise
  • Promoting recycling initiatives throughout the department
  • Ensuring our supply chain is also as ethical as possible.


Global Adventures

Chartwells are extremely proud to have developed ‘Global Adventures’. Some of the main issues associated with student meals are much more complex than simply the menus on offer. The meal environment, speed of service, length of queues and service style, coupled with cultural and ethnic diversity must also be considered.

Persuading students to eat healthier meals needs to be part of a whole school initiative tackling the importance of diet, nutrition and exercise in relation to wellbeing, not just one of these elements in isolation.

Chartwells have developed Global Adventures to enhance the whole delivery of our service provision, a three pronged approach to improving our meal offer that is made up of three constituent parts: the offer, the service and the environment.

Chartwells is committed to ensuring our meals assist the outcomes of the government's Every Child Matters initiative. This aims to give all children the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.

Middlewich High School operates a cashless system and there are 3 methods by which to pay are as follows:

  • Online via WorldPay
  • Cash that is bought into the school and loaded onto the pupils account via reval machines
  • Cheque (all cheques made payable to Chartwells).

Should you have any questions or specific requirements for your child do not hesitate to contact the catering team.

We look forward to providing your child a healthy and nutritious meal from April 2017. You can view our menu and pricing in the attachments below.