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Easter School 2017

Re: Year 11 Mock results experience and school provision to help progress and targeted GCSE support.

Dear Parent/ Carers,

Re: Year 11 Mock results experience and school provision to help progress and targeted GCSE support.

Our Year 11 students have all completed their mock examinations and eagerly await their results. The students will receive their mock results on the afternoon of Monday 27th March.

We do hope students are pleased with their results but understand that many will be motivated to work even harder in preparation for their final GCSE examinations to ensure that they all feel proud of their achievements. We have therefore organised for targeted support sessions to be delivered in the Easter Holidays during the week 3rd April – 7th April. Your son/ daughter will receive a personalised invitation if they are required to attend Easter School in order for progress towards their school target to be supported.

Easter School:

Please can you support your son/ daughter by ensuring that they attend the session if they are invited.

We will continue to care for our students in this time of added pressure, whilst still maintaining our highest expectation of them. If you have any questions regarding examinations and preparation, please do get in touch with your child’s tutor in the first instance.


Yours faithfully

Mr M Edwards
Deputy Headteacher