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iValue Day

We had our first of three iVlaue Days on December 16th. 

On the 16th of December we had our first of three i-Value days. It was a jam packed day, that saw over 30 outside speakers visit the school. Each year group is given a focus for the day, with workshops and talks organised around that focus.

Our year 7 students were whisked away by the PE department to participate in a fun-filled ‘Swimming Gala’; they also showed their commitment to helping others with their Lepra workout at the end of the day.

Year 8 were asked to put their entrepreneurial hats on to design, make and pitch a new shoe as part of their ‘Cobblers’ day.

For year 9 the day was about understanding personal safety, during which they had five different sessions. We were lucky enough to welcome the ‘Prison Me No Way’ group as part of this day, who brought along their ‘Prison Cell Van.’ Year 9 also attended sessions delivered around Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Awareness.

Mrs Thomas kindly organised the year 10 day that focused on religious charities as part of their RM education; students were clearly moved by the day, with some pitching fundraising ideas to Mrs Parkins that would support the charities.

Finally for year 11 the day aimed to enrich the students’ knowledge about higher education and aspirational thinking, with a talk from one of our ex-students Will Bishop. We also welcomed the ‘Diversity Role Models’ group, who deliver sessions on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual community.

The day was a huge success and we want to take the opportunity to thank all of the organisations who attended.