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Remembrance Assembly 2016

We were honoured to welcome The Royal British Legion and Reverend Barry Jobber to our Remembrance Assembly this morning.

We were honoured to welcome The Royal British Legion and Reverend Barry Jobber to our Remembrance Assembly this morning. As a school, we feel that it is vital for our students to learn of the sacrifices that were made for us by the previous generations of both our town and our school and it is important for us to honour them.

Following a procession through the school, the wreath was laid in front of our Remembrance Memorials by some of our students who are Army, Sea and Air Cadets while Joseph Scott from Year 11 gave a beautiful rendition of The Last Post.

Reverend Jobber led the students in the following prayers:

O Lord, our heavenly Father, we remember with thanksgiving all those who gave their lives for our peace and our freedom, and we pray that you will welcome them into your kingdom. We also commend to your loving care all those who suffer in body or mind as a result of their service to our nation. Heal them of their pain and their grief, and help all those who dedicate themselves to care for them. Grant this O Lord, for Jesus Christ’s sake, who is a live and reigns with you forever. Amen.

Almighty God, we commend to your loving care all those who are serving this nation on land, sea or in the air; we pray that you will be their courage and their strength when they are in danger, and that you will protect them from the attacks of the enemy. May they feel your constant presence with them, and know that your hand guides them. We ask this through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.