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Emotionally Healthy Schools Day

On the 25th May 2016 five students from Middlewich High School took part in the project to raise the awareness of emotional health across Cheshire East.

"On the 25th May 2016 five students from Middlewich High School took part in the project to raise the awareness of emotional health across Cheshire East.

At the beginning of the day Middlewich High School met with three other schools and had a quick briefing of the objectives for the day. This included:

EHS Day Activities.

  1. Agree in your groups some questions to interview one of the project leaders.  Include questions on what the project is all about and what are its aims.  Decide who will do the questioning and who will do the filming.
  2. Conduct your video interview of one of the project leaders.
  3. Create two versions of the interview, a written version for your school website (you may want to take some photos to add to your article of whom you interviewed), and a brief edited video clip of around 30 seconds of the interview using Movie Maker.
  4. Decide what information YOU would like on a website or APP for the EHS project.
  5. Create at least one other news story for your school website about events taking place in YOUR school run by EHS.
  6. Find out by talking to other schools what THEY are doing with EHS in THEIR school.
  7. ENJOY the day!


Filipa and Megan (two students from Middlewich High) sat down with Siobhan O’Hagan who is one of the leaders for the Emotionally Healthy Schools project. In this interview they covered many queries such as what the project actually was and what the main objectives for the project are.

After the interview all students had a yummy lunch and started editing their videos from the interview whilst others created articles to then put on their school website.

Overall the day was a lot of fun and a great experience for all students."


Written by Filipa Lamb-Vieira.