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World Challenge Expeditions

For the last 10 years Middlewich High School has been involved in running expeditions around the world...

Middlewich High School – World Challenge Expeditions.

For the last 10 years Middlewich High School has been involved in running expeditions around the world. These trips have been designed to help students develop important life skills such as teamwork and leadership, gaining confidence and self-esteem, becoming more globally aware and ultimately enhance their further education and employment prospects.

Under the guidance of School leaders Mr McAdam and Mr Wiseman, Middlewich students have so far visited destinations in Poland, Morocco, Ethiopia, Kenya and most recently India. Each destination bringing with it its own set of challenges! Students are accountable for raising all the funds themselves during the planning and preparation phase.  They work as a team where possible, bag packing, cake making, and car washing amongst others as well as pushing themselves individually in events such as sponsored runs, walks and bungee jumps!!



While on expedition students are responsible for all aspects of the trip such as planning an itinerary, accommodation and controlling the budget;  the adults have an overview on Health and Safety and Student Welfare when necessary.

All our World Challenge expeditions have had a main focus of completing some form of sustainable project work within the local community. This is typically 3-5 days, and normally offers the chance to contribute something meaningful back to a local area. Our projects have been based in rural and remote areas where Challengers live and interact with local people. Teams become familiar with the community and are immersed in daily life and traditions, offering an unrivalled cultural experience. Physical contributions such as concreting new school floors or building water traps are normally involved as well as helping out with teaching in local homes or schools. Engaging with another culture during the Project phase brings global awareness that can’t be gleaned from books. Most of our students say this is the most rewarding aspect of their expedition.



Completing these expeditions has been an educational travel experience that goes on rewarding students, long after they return home. Challengers achieve more than they thought possible by stretching beyond their comfort zone, and this sense of accomplishment colours their ongoing view of themselves and their place in the world. They have to raise the bar in terms of physical fitness, communication, teamwork and organisation, all highly valuable skills they can draw on in their post-expedition lives.

Students return from their expedition with increased energy and enthusiasm and a sense that if they really apply themselves, there’s no limit to what they can do!



Our current group of challengers are now planning their expedition to Malaysia In 2017. Please look out for them on their fundraising journey, ask about their plans and I’m sure if any support can be offered, they will be more than grateful for any assistance!