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Update on Wider Opening

Dear families please see below, the Cheshire East & Public Health statement on wider reopening of Cheshire East Schools. The view is that we are safe to continue with our plans to open more widely next week. I have discussed this with our Chair of Governors and I believe that with the significant remodelling of the site and steps we have taken to minimise risk to our community, that we are able to open more widely next week. This means that our planned implementation of Yr10 & agreed EHCP provision will go ahead next week. Yr10 families will be receiving a letter in the post which goes through arrangements for provision including rooms / entrances / expectations. EHCP students will also be receiving bespoke information as agreed with families by our SEND team. We will also be releasing a virtual tour video of the school so that families can see how we have remodelled the site for Yr10 students. We are really excited about seeing our Yr10 students back in school over the next few weeks! Please direct any questions to our admin email. Best wishes, Ms Thurland