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School Re-opening

Dear families, following extensive risk assessment please find our position statement on reopening the school in the letters/links below. Yrs7-9 have a letter addressed to them and Yr10 has a specific letter, please read this information carefully. I have endeavoured to provide as much clarity as I can on the type of provision we will be able to offer in the next few weeks. Please be aware that this is subject to change according to review by the DfE / Public Health England. Yr10 families to further inform our planning once you have carefully read the information I need to know by Tuesday 26th May if  a) you do NOT intend send your child to the identified sessions b) do NOT intend to use the school bus place if you normally access this provision. We will write to Yr10 students in due course with more specific information after half term (wk beg 1st June). Please send any questions into our admin email so we can collate them and respond rather than asking questions on Facebook/twitter. We will also be sending these letters in the post. Best wishes, Ms Thurland