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Manchester LSCB Conference By Megan Trower - Year 10

This is an article written by Megan Trower in 10B about the LSCB Conference we attended in Manchester. 

Manchester conference

On Wednesday the 30th of September 6 members of the i-care group attended a conference in Manchester. The conference was all about young people and what the different groups, such as Children’s society, LSCB and others could do to help them. At the conference, we gave a presentation on the different aspects of what we would like to do in the future and what we have already done to help young people like ourselves!

The day was jam packed with information so we had to take notes. Different groups did presentations and they were all amazing! When we arrived there we helped ourselves to coffee, tea and biscuits...they were yummy! We sat down and listened to people do their speeches and presentations, and we talked about what is happening in our areas, what we would like to do next etc. All of us sat on tables with other group members and we all shared what we thought is important in helping young people.

Our group played a video, with images and lyrics to a song Filipa Lamb- Viera and Ellie Leigh sung prior to the event. It sent a clear message across as to what Bullying (our chosen topic) can do not just to young people, but anybody! In the following year, we will continue doing what we are doing (such as staffing the chat room, in case anybody wants to come and talk to us about any problems they are facing and sharing out duties on the yard). We all hope to do many more things to ensure safety in our school, like we have ideas to possibly get together with other safeguarding group members from other schools... and create a role play to the community or a presentation.

I have gained a lot from the experience such as:

  1. More knowledge in how to ensure safety in our school.
  2. I have learnt other ways of thinking about things.

To end the wonderful day, we got given a T-shirt, leaflets and other things after the conference to take home with us also we had the most exciting bus journey home, filled with singing!

Megan Trower


Below is a letter received from Paul O'Neill, Programme Manager for The Children’s Society in Cheshire and Warrington:

Dear young people,

Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to support our LSCB event in Manchester last week, it was much appreciated. Your ideas, enthusiasm, presentation and overall contribution were outstanding and all the adult attendees commented on what a fabulous group you were and how you being there set the tone for a fantastic day. From my perspective and all the staff at The Children's Society you are an absolute credit to yourselves and Middlewich High and it was a pleasure to work with such a passionate and committed group of young people. 

I wish you all every success in the future,

Kind regards, 

Paul O'Neill

Programme Manager Cheshire and Warrington

The Children’s Society