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Artefacts Day 2019

Yesterday, Year 8 pupils experienced an exciting and special opportunity to interact with a vast collection of First World War artefacts, hosted by Mr. King, a good friend of Middlewich High School.

Yesterday, Year 8 pupils experienced an exciting and special opportunity to interact with a vast collection of First World War artefacts, hosted by Mr. King, a good friend of Middlewich High School.

Mr. King explained to pupils that “each piece had its own story,” and Year 8 were lucky enough to hold each artefact, and even try some clothes on and do a gun drill. Pupils were able to get involved by playing different roles, such as soldiers, a village boy and nurses; each one key to the war effort!

This is the 13th year that Mr. King has come to Middlewich, and he commented on how enthusiastic, well-mannered and willing to get involved, our year 8s were. Pupils were intrigued by Mr. King’s stories surrounding each object and how unique every artefact in his collection was.

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