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Maths Department Introduce Hegarty Maths

This half term, all students have been introduced to the fantastic Hegarty Maths website, to support them with their homework and revision.


This half term, all students have been introduced to the fantastic Hegarty Maths website, to support them with their homework and revision. Often, maths homework and revision can be difficult to get right;  at home, students may struggle to remember concepts they learnt in class and parents/carers often find it difficult to help their child as the methods may be different to those they learnt when they were at school. 


This Hegarty Maths system makes it easier for a child to engage with their maths homework.  It teaches (via over 800 10 minute videos made by Maths Teacher of the year Colin Hegarty), assesses (in small quizzes of usually 10 questions) and tracks everything a child needs to learn in secondary school maths. The programme aims to have a positive impact in the following areas:


Student intrinsic motivation for learning maths and their attitudes towards maths.

Student attainment in maths.

Parental engagement and ability to assist in their child’s maths learning.


This programme is already having a huge impact on students' learning with the following students already completing over 100 Hegarty maths questions:

Ryan Holland

Shakira Heath

Logan Molyneux

Kiah Flaherty

Nathan Cain

Lucy Wood

Chelsea Curzon

Meghan Martland

Ben Caldwell


Your child's  homework will be set using this platform. Each homework can take up to one hour to complete properly.   Your child may complete more work should they wish but this is not a requirement.  The Hegarty Maths homework will consist of two main parts:

  1. Watching and taking detailed notes on their Hegarty homework sheet from one of the videos.
  2. Doing the quiz that follows the video showing full working on their Hegarty homework sheet. Marking is instant so they should mark their work and correct any errors. 

You child can access this resource on any device that has access to the internet, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. There will also be opportunity to complete this during a lunchtime on Monday, Tuesday and Friday in the library (IT3) as well as homework club after school. 


This is is an exciting time for maths learning and I'm sure you will support us in ensuring students make the most of this opportunity. 


Mrs Cottrell