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Year 8 Geographers have been busy this half term making their Volcano projects.

This year's crop of volcanoes has been particularly outstanding, we have had HUGE and tiny volcanoes, we have had them made from wide range of materials including Lego, expanding foam, papier mache, clay and very tasty chocolate sponge! They have filled and brightened room 19 and Mrs Young will feel lonely without them.


As always, seeing these volcanoes in action is the best bit, and the Geography department apologises for the faint smell of vinegar and cola in the lower school yard, but the explosions were worth it!


Mrs Young, Mrs Holt and Mrs Anderson would like to thank all of the year 8s (and some very crafty parents) for their hard work this half term! You have done us proud- Mrs Young was offered £10 for one of the volcanoes, but she turned it down.