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Year 8 & 9 Girls Allowed Visit – Barclays ICT

On 9th October Mrs Morgan took a small group of girls to Barclays ICT Centre in Knutsford to take part in their annual ‘Girls Allowed’ ICT event; they had a fantastic day.


On 9th October Mrs Morgan took a small group of girls to Barclays ICT Centre in Knutsford to take part in their annual ‘Girls Allowed’ ICT event; they had a fantastic day.

We were warmly welcomed once again by the Barclays Girls Allowed Team at Radbrooke Hall, for a day of ICT. They also informed us that it was Ada Lovelace Day. A day to celebrate and remember Ada Lovelace, a Victorian computing visionary.

Harriet Davy then gave us a presentation, while eating our muffins that had been provided, on her entry onto the Barclays Apprenticeship Scheme, which was very inspirational.

 Our first task was to ‘Design an App that would benefit you.’ Within our group we had a few ideas such as a chip in the lid of an ice-cream carton so that it softened the ice-cream enough to scoop and eat it. One of the winning ideas was from Amber, which involved extra security on contactless payment.

Our second task was to consume lunch, and our challenge to Barclays was to get all our group’s dietary needs correct! They rose to the challenge and exceeded expectations; we were even allowed  FIZZY POP and cake during a school day.

After the lovely lunch we then had Cryptography or to some codebreaking. Paige and Eleri decided they weren’t leaving until they had cracked all 3 codes that were given to them, when our team leader for the day Tracey informed them that she was finishing at 5.30, they changed their mind. Hannah was chosen to try and crack the 80s Rubik’s Cube- she managed to complete the task… well one side anyway.

We then moved on to robotics where the girls had to programme a small robot to complete different shapes which ranged from a square, a circle and a triangle. Once all these were completed the next task was to programme the robot to follow the black lined map. This wasn’t the easiest of tasks to complete, however all the girls managed to complete it in the end. We ended the robotics session with The Robotics Ballet, in which all the robots came together and completed a dance routine.

After a thoroughly inspirational and engaging day we were all presented with a Barclays Goody bag!