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Duke of Edinburgh Success

Our Duke of Edinburgh students have just completed their Bronze Assessed Expedition on what was the hottest expedition on record!

Our Duke of Edinburgh students have just completed their Bronze Assessed Expedition on what was the hottest expedition on record! The students were on two separate journeys; we had 4 walking groups who completed a 15KM walk to the campsite on day one, with another 2 groups meeting them there via Canoeing on the River Dee. Both groups made their way to the camp site and began to set up for the evening. They all had to pitch their tents and cook an evening meal where they all showed amazing camp craft. We even had a member of the public from the camp site come and see us to say how impressed they were with our students, helping some of the other campers with washing up. On day 2 they had to pack up camp and set off for the finish point; again all the students showed great navigational skills and even made it to the finish before our scheduled time. The students really are a credit to Middlewich High School and have made us so proud. We now look forward to moving onto their Silver award next year which will be the first one in Middlewich’s history. The Duke of Edinburgh award at Middlewich is really taking off so watch this space and “Get Involved”.