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Year 7 Chester Cathedral – Tuesday 5th June

On Tuesday, 100 Year 7s visited Chester Cathedral. Whilst there, they were given a tour of the Cathedral, took part in arts and crafts activities, saw a Lego display of the Cathedral and visited the Cathedral’s Falconry and Nature Gardens. Some students even got to help fly some of the birds.



On Tuesday, 100 Year 7s visited Chester Cathedral. Whilst there, they were given a tour of the Cathedral, took part in arts and crafts activities, saw a Lego display of the Cathedral and visited the Cathedral’s Falconry and Nature Gardens. Some students even got to help fly some of the birds.

All students had a good day and learnt much about its history, the items within the Cathedral and how they are used in Christian worship. Students were keen to get involved in all aspects of the day and much fun was had by all.