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OPEN EVENING 2015 - Thanks, Parent Comments, and speeches

Thanks for everybody who took part and visited last Thursday, the Open Evening was a great success and it was a pleasure to meet all of you who came.

Thanks for everybody who took part and visited last Thursday, the Open Evening was a great success and it was a pleasure to meet all of you who came.

Don't forget that we have Open Mornings on the mornings of the 1st and 8th of October, just call the school at 01606 288170 to book a visit!

We have collected some of the lovely comments we got from the parents who visited us on Thursday, we hope to be seeing you all again very soon.


We also have a transcript of some of the fantastic speeches which were given at the Open Evening, here is the first one from Dominic Green:

Good Evening. My name is Dominic Green and I am an ex-pupil of Middlewich High School. After sittig my GCSEs in June this year, I moved to Further Education at Sir John Deane’s College. Despite this, I can still remember being sat in this very sports hall six years ago, unsure about which high school I would attend.

I came from Winsford CofE Primary School. I was one of the six pupils that came from my primary. I was worried that I wasn’t going to fit in and that I wouldn’t be able to make new friends. But I was wrong and my Mum was right. This High school provides the feeling of being part of a family community. After my first induction day, my nerves were dismissed as I soon made friends with pupils who came from different primary schools.

Throughout my time here at Middlewich, I was provided with an outstanding education and a vast range of opportunities to be part of. There is a saying at this High School; “Get Involved”. Pupils are encouraged to get involved in numerous opportunities ranging from: taking on the role of a prefect or sports prefect, joining music clubs or even playing football against Spanish teams on the sports tour.

During my final years here are Middlewich, I was fortunate enough to take part in extracurricular activities. Middlewich High School provides the opportunity for pupils to get involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. I can say on behalf of the pupils that they had great fun completing their bronze DofE.

Also, 20 pupils and I took part in a World Challenge Expedition that the school organise every two years. Previous expeditions have taken pupils to countries including: Ethiopia, Kenya and Poland. I was lucky enough to be part of the team that visited India for two weeks during the summer of this year. The team carried out a project in a small community in Northern India. We had to build a rain harvesting system that would provide the families with sufficient water; water that we take for granted in the UK. After trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas, seeing the slums of Delhi and witnessing the beauty of the Taj Mahal, I now have a different perspective of the world. I would like to thank Mr Wiseman and Mr McAdam for providing this once in a lifetime opportunity.

On the other hand, year 11 was not all fun and games. It was time to sit our GCSE examinations. As you may be aware this can be a very stressful time for a pupil. However, the school provided the year 11 pupils with all the help, support and encouragement they needed. Also, it was time for pupils to look at their pathways beyond high school. My fellow students and I were able to take part in numerous college, university and career days. On these days we were given an insight into life beyond Middlewich High so that we could make an informed decision on our next steps for the future.

I am certain in saying that I would not have achieved 9A*s, 4 As and 1 B in my GCSEs if it was not for the staff who have taught at Middlewich High School. I believe that s school’s main purpose is to inspire students to become curious and enthusiastic about their passions whether that be academic or not. Middlewich High School definitely inspired me. During Year 10, I asked my maths teacher, the legendary Miss Watt, if I could teach myself Further Mathematics outside of the classroom and take the exam in Year 11. After taking the exam this summer, I achieved the highest grade possible for that subject. During my 5 years at Middlewich High School, I found what my passions are and what I want to do in the future. This is why Middlewich is an exceptional school. Middlewich High School has helped me to discover my talents and has set me up to my aspirations in future life. I believe that Middlewich can offer this to any pupil who applies themselves to school life.

Thank you.

Finally, here is the Open Evening Speech from Year 11 Katie Campbell:

I am currently in year 10 and not too long ago many pupils in my year put their name forward to become a junior prefect. The process began with an application, then selected pupils moved onto the interview stages. As a prefect we attend open evening, induction days, parent’s evenings and other events. Another role for prefects is to help parents and visitors of our school find their way around and answer any questions they may have. One of our main priorities as a prefect now is making sure our new buddies joining Middlewich are fitting in well to school life.

When you join Middlewich High School as a year 7 you will get assigned a junior prefect to help you find your way around school as well as answer any questions you may have. Towards the end of year nine, you will get the chance to choose the subjects you wish to continue to study into your GCSE years. There are 4 core subjects, these are Math’s, English Science and IT. You then get to choose 3 other subjects to study from Art, Product Design, Textiles, Food Tech, French, Spanish, History, Geography, Philosophy and Ethics, Music, Pe, Business Studies, Media Studies, Astronomy and Computer Science. During year 9 many things took place, one of the most memorable for me was the 2015 sports tour. During our trip to Spain we visited Barcelona football stadium, the girls took part in netball training and matches and the boys did the same for football.

Another exciting experience was when Middlewich were lucky enough to host 6 Thai visitors for a week. 6 junior prefects each buddied up with a Thai student, they shadowed us in lessons and we showed them what school life was like for us. It was a great experience for both us and them! During the lead up to Christmas willing pupils took part in a mock court trial. As a part of our English lessons we studied a case in detail and were assigned roles such as a defense lawyer, magistrate, witness or even the defendant! I was the defense lawyer. This was great fun and took place in Crewe Magistrates court. We competed throughout the day against different schools and at the end we came 2nd overall! Throughout the 5 years you will spend at Middlewich High School there are so many chances to get involved. We have MFL trips to places such as Spain and France, Netball and Football tours which have in the past been to places such as Barcelona, the next ski trip to Austria, days out to London as a part of History, and a lot more. World Challenge is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This amazing experience is offered to children in year 10 and above and all the money is raised. During the last World Challenge they travelled to India; whilst out there they took part in an expedition in the jungle and a community project that improved the lives of the people living in the area.

Since 2007 Middlewich High School has been taking pupils around the world every 2 years. First they travelled to Poland, then Morocco, then Ethiopia, then Kenya and most recently India. Year 9 was a great year from WW1 day, the Mock Court Trial and meeting students from Thailand to being assigned the role of a junior prefect, my pathways and the 2015 sports tour. I look forward to the next two years as I have now started my GCSE’s and I am ready for the challenges ahead. Hopefully the next 2 years will be as good as the last 3.