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Healthy Eating in the Canteen

Chartwells Nutritionist, Clare, set up a health stall in the dining room yesterday to engage with students and staff around healthy eating and the sugars, saturated fat and salt hiding in food and drink. 

Chartwells Nutritionist, Clare, set up a health stall in the dining room to engage with students and staff around healthy eating and the sugars, saturated fat and salt hiding in food and drink. The stall was interactive and Clare played ‘higher or lower’ with the students to reveal the number of sugar cubes in popular high street drinks; Coca-cola, Ribena, Ribena Light, Red bull, Orange juice and Water. Students were shocked to see Ribena contained 50g sugar per bottle, a total of 12.5 sugar cubes! To encourage students to adopt healthier food choices, Clare discussed the importance of breakfast and promoted the FREE breakfast club available at school, with hot options available to purchase every morning; a great way to start the day! Free fruit was provided to students from the stall to help them towards their 5-a-day!