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Year 9 Mengage

On Friday Mengage came into our school to teach some of our year 9 boys and some teachers how to mentor younger boys who may be struggling

On Friday Mengage came into our school to teach some of our year 9 boys and some teachers how to mentor younger boys who may be struggling. In the day our year 9 students and teachers were taught how find out if anything is worrying any of the younger students and then how we can help them. After we learnt ways to try and find things out from our mentees we found out how we might be able to help them get them through whatever is troubling them. We learnt how if we are going to help younger students we need to be a critical friend and how we need to be there for them but also not just agree with them if they have done something wrong. After we learnt about how to help we did some case studies about some made up students who are struggling and we talked about how we could help them. We are now coming up with ways we could use what we have learnt to help students that are struggling at our school and our local Primary schools.