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Important Information

It is with great sadness that I have to write to you today to inform you of very sad news relating to a member of staff within the school. 


Dear Parents/ Carers



It is with great sadness that I have to write to you today to inform you of very sad news relating to a member of staff within the school. On Friday, following liaison with the family and police the School was alerted of the terrible news of the death of Joanne Brown. Due to the lateness in the day when this information became available, the decision was taken not to inform pupils and parents as it was not possible to provide the levels of support needed on receiving such tragic news.


Our deeply sincere and heartfelt condolences go out to her family and close friends at this terribly sad and difficult time. Over the coming days and weeks, I will continue to liaise with them to provide as much support as possible.


The whole school, pupils, staff, governors and parents, are shocked by the death of a popular and highly-regarded teaching assistant, who has worked with dedication at the school for over eight years.


The school, its local community and Cheshire East Council are offering support to anyone affected by this tragic event. Assemblies have been held this morning for all pupils and staff and we will support all in managing this terrible news for our school community.


I am always proud of how much our school community genuinely supports one another at difficult times and I am sure that we will do this again now.  Trained school staff will be available to support any parents or families who are affected by this news.


Her family and friends are all very much in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.