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Cheshire Show 2015

Middlewich High School visits the Cheshire Show 2015!

On the 23rd and 24th June we ran an interactive stand in the Education marquee at the Cheshire Show.  25 of our students acted as facilitators engaging the Public in activities based around ICT, Maths and Science following the show theme of a green and pleasant land.  Our appearance at the show was a record 8th consecutive year, and at one stage more than 200 people an hour were visiting our marquee.

We were delighted when we learnt that Sophie, Countess of Wessex (and Patron of the Show) was scheduled to visit us on the Wednesday morning, and it was a fabulous experience for our students as she chatted to them and tackled some of our activities.  Sophie was intrigued by the animal Sudoku (not real ones!) in Maths, fascinated by the Chromatography challenge in Science (big decision on colour to use), and found the farm simulation for ICT challenging - we suspect she has little experience of driving tractors!  She was both charming and engaging with our students, and at a meeting later complimented all the students and the activities she had seen.