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Able and Talented

« Middlewich Stars Programme «


  • to raise achievement for our high ability and gifted & talented students
  • to raise achievement in high ability disadvantaged students


  • to develop skills and qualities to support success including independent learning, research, presentation and communication skills
  • to extend knowledge and understanding across a range of subject areas


  • Miss Holt (Assistant Headteacher – Raising Standards Lead) & Mrs Morgan (Learning Coach) will identify high ability students in each year group (based on KS2 data) and invite them (and parents) to an initial launch event
  • each year group will aim to complete a targeted programme of challenges
  • students can choose which challenges they wish to complete (minimum of 6 each year plus 3 ‘special’ challenges)
  • upon completion students will receive an award (pin badge & certificate)
  • students can then progress to the next stage
  • students who complete all challenges will achieve an ‘award plus’
  • examples of work will be published in school and via social media
  • parents and students will be invited to an initial launch event and then celebration event at the end of the academic year
  • programme will launch in summer term 2017 for Y8-10 and September 2017 for the new Y7
  • Mrs Morgan will support PP students completing the programme


Departments will be asked to suggest one challenge per year group which meets the following criteria:

  • related to the subject but not necessarily what is studied that year
  • involves independent study/research/activity (can involve group work)
  • will extend knowledge, understanding or skills
  • can be quickly and easily evidenced
  • students have to provide evidence that the challenge was completed


  • Year 7 = Bronze                
  • Year 8 = Silver                   
  • Year 9 = Gold                    
  • Year 10 = Platinum         
  • Year 11 = Diamond

Students need to complete 6 subject-related challenges and 3 ‘special’ challenges to achieve their award.

If students complete all the suggested challenges they will achieve the ‘award plus’.




  • Subject-related challenges:





Read around a topic you are studying in school.

Create a mind map showing your understanding.


Research a subject expert.

Describe the expert; explain their ideas/achievements and your opinion on their ideas.


Research a controversial global issue.

Describe the issue and explain both opinions on the issue. Then outline your opinion.


Research the best ways to learn and revise.

Create a mind-map showing your findings.


Attend a musical/concert/play/talk and write about it.

Copy of ticket and a description of the event.


Go on an educational visit. E.g. - Warwick Castle.

Photo evidence plus a report from the visit.


Write a report/article that is published on the school website or in our newsletter.

Photo evidence plus a summary of what your article was based on.


Watch a film and then review it.

Rate the film and write a review of it; outlining strengths and weaknesses.


Read 2 fictional books and write a book review.

Write a book review and score each book; explaining which one you think is better and why.


Research a mathematical problem.

Provide evidence of research and outcome.


Start learning a new language.

Write 30 words in your journal plus their English translation. No French, Spanish or German!

Creative Design

Bake/cook an item/meal of your choice.

Add the recipe to your journal plus photo evidence.


Represent your family through your own choice of media.

Photo evidence and review of the process.


Research 3 countries that you have visited or want to visit.

Create a fact-file for each country and include key information about the country.


Research a key event/character in history/certain time period.

Evidence of research including review of impact of this person/event.


Who was the greatest leader – Caesar or Hitler?

Create fact-file about each and a comparison report.


Learn to play a new musical instrument.

Photo evidence plus copies of grade certificates.


Compose your own song.

Provide copy of composition in your preferred format.


Attend a musical/concert and write about it.

Copy of ticket and a review of the event.


Attend a sporting event.

Photo evidence/copy of ticket as well as a newspaper report on the sporting event with all event details included.


How has the men’s 100m world record (athletics) changed in the past 100 years and why?

Create a fact-file and investigative report.







  • Special Challenges:


Complete 5 hours of voluntary experience/work.

Photo evidence plus a summary of what you did and the skills you gained from it.


Raise money for a charity.

Photo evidence and a summary of how much you raised and for which charity.


Raise awareness of an issue.

Photo evidence and a summary of the issue and why you chose it.


Attend 2 different house events.

Photo evidence or signed note from tutor.


Attend 2 extra-curricular activities (NOT house competitions).

Photo evidence or signed note from teacher.


Achieve student of the week/month/half-term in a subject or in form.

Photo evidence or note from teacher/form tutor.


Help the school with an extra-curricular activity or an open evening.

Photo evidence or signed note from teacher.


Create a fact-file on 3 jobs you might like to do when you get older.

Create a fact-file on each potential job including necessary qualifications needed.


Reflect on 3 main skills you have and 3 areas to improve.

Create a table showing your skills.


Take part in the Y10 mock interview.

Review the questions that you were asked in the interview and your responses.


Attend a cultural/academic event. E.g. Art event or university event.

Photo evidence and your opinions on the event.


Attend a careers fair (school or elsewhere).

Photo evidence and written review.


  • Success Criteria:

Initial Success

How will this be achieved

Time Scale

Student feedback

Student has a good understanding of what the Middlewich Stars Programme is about and what is needed to achieve the awards.

Within 2 weeks of starting MSP

Parent Feedback

Initially send out letters/emails, if no feedback has been received, contact parents to receive feedback and answer any questions they may have.

Within 2 weeks for the majority, however this maybe ongoing

Ongoing Success




Booklet Evidence – logged in SIMS as a PLC

Completing at least 1 challenge each half term to successfully complete the award within 12 months.

Feedback to Parents

Through PLC on parent portal

Throughout the award programme

Teacher Feedback

Form tutors to feedback regarding the award.

Throughout the award programme

Annual awards

Special presentation evening with parents, sponsors & SLT

In summer term



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