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Marking and Feedback


MHS staff have been exploring the effectiveness of different methods of feedback. During a teach meet in January 2020, Mrs Parkins presented her peer marking strategies; Mr Evans shared his whole class feedback process; Miss Watt led on exit tickets and Ms Grant introduced her coded learning map approach (immediately below).











Mrs Parkins delivered a session on Peer and Self-Assessment saying that it:

  • Needs to be a routine established in the classroom
  • Needs to be modelled
  • Work as a class to initially identify the skills in a modelled piece of work
  • Students need to have knowledge of what the process looks like before they can thoughtfully assess their own work
  • Guided peer and self-assessment 








Independent Practice










Whole class feedback was modelled by Mr Evans at the teach meet.

Languages have found this an effective way to share feedback, praising learning that is going well and making students aware of common mistakes across the class. This sheet is written once, photocopied and glued into students’ books. This cuts down on the repetitive marking load for teachers, allowing them to spend more time using what they have seen in students’ work to plan effectively how to address misconceptions and advance student learning. 








You can find a copy of this information below.