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Ski Tour 2016

In April 43 of our Yr 10 and 11 students travelled to Austria on a ski tour.  We skied in the Sportwelt Amade region. 

In April 43 of our Yr 10 and 11 students travelled to Austria on a ski tour.  We skied in the Sportwelt Amade region.  The Saltzburger Sportwelt region is Austria’s largest interconnected ski area, with 350 KM of piste to explore.  It is suitable for skiers of all skill levels.  The pupils based themselves in the picturesque resort of Alpendorf.  The whole area is both dramatic and beautiful and proved to be the perfect location for such films as The Sound of Music and Where Eagles Dare.

We flew with Singapore Airlines.  This was a real treat as our students we able to take advantage of all the special touches and quality services you would expect from a long haul flight. We flew from Manchester to Munich and having had a very relaxing flight enjoyed a short transfer over the boarder to our destination.

We stayed in the Hotel Post. The Hotel Post is a cosy, traditional family hotel in the pretty little town of Schwarzach. The hotel is owned and run by Hans (or ‘’Hansie’’) Mayr. Hansie has become a good friend of the school over the last 8 years and always makes us feel welcome and ensures we have fantastic stay.  The Hotel has been run by the Mayr family since 1900 and is without doubt our favourite hotel. 

The students had a very busy and varied itinerary throughout their stay. Each day began with a 7.30 breakfast and all our skiers were up on the slopes for 9am.  The snow conditions were excellent and all students learnt how to ski and become a team with 5 hours of quality tuition and supervision every day.  Some days the temperatures climbed to 26 degrees.  There is nothing better than skiing on beautifully groomed slopes, high in the mountains, under bright blue skies and all of our students genuinely made the very best of it.  Every day gifted our pupils with a truly unique environment in which to learn, play and laugh together.  On days like these we all realised just how lucky we are and I am sure we all would agree, this was school and life at its best!  Great friendships were formed and lifelong learning experiences were shared. 


In the evenings the team, now closer than ever, enjoyed activities and evening entertainments that included swimming at a health spa, billiards and pool at a pool club, a disco, wonderful ‘apres-ski’ and a fantastic presentation evening.  Plenty to laugh about and plenty to be proud about; particularly when witnessing our boys and girls making great friends with other schools at a disco and destroying Hartlepool’s finest in a school dance off! ‘Adam Toniolli’ you know who you are and you are a ‘Lege’!

Austria is a wonderful country and the people are kind and friendly.  Our students made some great friends and I genuinely believe those they met would say the same of our boys and girls.  I enjoyed every minute of my time with all our students in Austria.  They were such a great bunch to spend time with.  They were great skiers but perhaps more importantly they were great kids who had had so much to offer in all they did.   I thoroughly enjoyed the whole time and they never once let themselves down.  I also have to thank the incredible team of staff who came on this trip who are exceptional in all they do.  I know they will agree with me when I point out that there are many times when you feel incredibly proud to be a teacher in this great school but the times we share on these trips are without doubt the finest, they are special.  The pupils made this trip an outstanding experience for everyone involved and I would like to congratulate them and thank them for the part they played.  I am very proud of them and as parents and carers you should be too.  I am sure that every single one of them appreciates being given this wonderful opportunity, and WOW, did they make the most of it! Well done team!

Mr Denham